Thursday, August 27, 2015

Girl Smarts Reviving!

Hello everyone! I am going to revive Girl Smarts. The name and theme doesn't suit me anymore. I want you to help me decide what to do! The theme will be AG related. I will be creating a poll, but for know, here are the options (remember, don't vote in the comments. The poll will be up soon ;)

Names choices:
  1. Creative AG Girls
  2. Project Inner star
  3. AG and Me!
  4. AG Rocks!

The poll will be up shortly. Thank you everyone!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

Hi everyone!
I was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by Hope at All Things Doll!(Thanks, Hope!)


Make sure you thank the wonderful person who nominated you, put the pic on your blog, answer the questions the person asked you, come up with 10 new questions, and nominate 10 people.
Hope's Questions:
1. What are your thoughts on Maryellen Larkin?
I'm very excited for her to come out! Finally, an AG from Florida!
2. How many dolls do you have total?

Two. Caroline and a Truly me.
3. How long have you been blogging?
A year and eight months
4. Lemonade or iced tea?
5. Which season is your favorite?
Fall. It's not too hot or too cold. And my birthday is in it!
6. Which doll do you plan to get next?
Not sure. Kaya or Maryellen Larkin
7. Name one thing on your bucket list.

Visit Chincoteague and Assateague Island in Maryland
8. Have you read any AG books? Which ones?
All of the Historical and GOTY books. Some Beforever and mysteries too.

9. What is the last thing you made for your dolls?
A closet
10. Which AG doll do you think will be retiring next?
Kit or Rebbeca
I don't really follow much blogs, so there will be definitely less than ten nominees
I nominate:
1. Delanie at K9 Konnections
2. Marissa at Inner Star Studios
My questions:
1. Fall or Summer?
2. What is your favorite holiday?
3. Which book have you read recently?
4. Favorite food?
5. What is one thing you want to do this year?
6. Pool or Beach?
7. If you could get anything in the world, what would it be? (even things that are not invented yet!)
8. How long have you been blogging?
9. Favorite blog?
10. What is your favorite subject?

Monday, August 24, 2015

All Things Doll giveaway!

Hope at All Things Doll is having a back-to-school giveaway! Go follow her and check it out!

Monday, July 20, 2015

How many books have you read?

Just checking in. The summer reading contest is about halfway over. How many books have you read so far? I have read 50 books in 50 days (Yes today is day 50 of the contest!) So I am halfway done with the goal. I am reading books on my level too. Mostly AG and Magic tree house books. How many have you done?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

A challenge for you! (Edited Again. Please re-read!)

Hello everybody!
I have a challenge for all of you!
Do you think you can read 100 books this summer? I sure can!

When: Starting June 1st, ending August 31st
What: 100 books challenge
Prize: One person who reads 100 books by the end of August wins a choice between these books:

  1. Magic tree house Night of the Ninjas by Mary pope Osborne
  2. Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry
  3. Homer Price by Robert McCloskey
  4. Lend a Hand: Girl-sized ways of helping others by American Girl (R)
  5. Samantha's Winter Party (An American Girl Short Story) 

Details: Chart how many books you have read during the summer. The goal is to read 100. Make sure you have your Parent's Permission. On September 1st 2015-September 7th 2015, please email me at with a picture of your chart (See below) and with three of your favorite books that you have read during that time.
-If more than one person reaches 100 books, names will be chosen randomly by
-If nobody reaches 100 books, the person who got closest to the goal wins.
-Any book you started reading in May, but finished in June counts. Also any book you started in August, but finished in September, also counts.

Here is a page to chart your books. All you have to do is check mark a box when you are done reading a book.

Also, if you would like to log your minutes you've read, join the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge and try to break the world record of reading along with other kids from all over the world!

Feel free to re-post/share this blog post!

Good Luck!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Giveaway at All Things Doll!

Hello! Hope at All Things Doll is having a giveaway! You can enter it here!


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring LEGO Scene

I was very excited on the 20th, because it was the first day of Spring! I decided to make a little spring scene. Here are some pictures!

Here is the whole scene. Close-up pictures next :)

Snail's Corner

Robin's tree

Robin's nest, with two chicks!

Some flowers

Mr. Frog's pond

Close-up on Mr. Frog's pond

Another picture of the whole scene

My LEGO Friends people, plus their dog, Dot.

Photo Bomb!

Another Photo Bomb! But, where is it? Post in the comments where the photo bomber is!


Play-Doh Pizza

I know what you are thinking "Another Play-Doh food post?" Yep. Another. I was playing around with this pale colored dough my mom made with Tumerick (A spice) I thought the dough looked bread colored, so I made a pizza.Here, you can see how to make them too!

Comparision to Yellow colored play-doh (Left) To Tumerick,
 pale colored dough (Right

Take a Play-doh lid. This will be your pizza pan.

Take a small ball of playdoh.

Put it into the pizza pan, and make it even.

Next, get a smaller ball of red colored play-doh

Flatten it on top of the dough. Make it smaller than the last
 circle for the crust of the pizza.

Next get a tiny ball of yellow Play-doh

Flatten it very thin. It is ok if there are some holes.
This will make it more pizza like, showing the sauce.

Put it on the tomatoe sauce. Even smaller than the sauce circle.

Next add your toppings! I choose veggies, but you can put pepperoni, pineapple,
or anything else you want!

Hope you liked it! Happy Spring!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

art's loft art set Review!

So, I got an art set for Christmas! it is really cool. I will put descriptions in the pictures

This is how the art set looks when it is closed (I put that sticker there, because my brother got the same present.)

This is how it looks when it is opened.

 In this set, there are two different kinds of colored pencils, regular, and watercolor (You have to dip the tip in water.) So I am doing an experiment with these two pencils.

These two pencils are the same color. Permanent Green. The one with the brown end is water color. White end is regular.

The tips of the pencils.

These are the results.

They look the same, don't they?

 So they looked the same. Now I will show you what the set includes.

The whole set when it is fully opened.

A booklet titled 'Artist's tricks and techniques'

A thingy to hold paint (It comes with two) Hint: Don't put the oil paint in it! It sticks and it won't get out even if you put it in the Dishwasher! I learned the hard way :)

A waterwell. to hold water inside.

A sharpener and eraser

Six paintbrushes

Ten big tubes of water paint

twelve little tubes of watercolor paint.

twelve little tubes of oil paint

Twenty-four oil pastel crayons (Continued in the next picture)

Continued from last picture.

The only con I found was that it didn't come with paper, so I looked around in the art stuff I already had, and found this drawing pad from Target.

Drawing pad (Not included in the set!)


This is what I drew with the regular coloring pencils. A Downy Woodpecker (Left) and a Cardinal (Right)
This set was fun to use! Stay smart girls!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I have been gone for awhile! But I am back! I am going to do posts to review the presents I got for Christmas! Next post is scheduled for tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Hi guys! January the 8th was Girl Smart's blogiversery! My blog is one year old! To celebrate, I will change our logo!

Old Logo
New Logo

Whatcha think?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

My brother's birthday is tommorow! + Chess tips

My little brother's birthday is tomorrow! He will be 4!
Also, my Homeschool coop is having a chess club, since tomorrow is FFF, and I can't post, because of my brothers birthday, I will share some chess tips. And a website where you can play chees!

Chess tips:

Bad Moves - What you should NEVER do!

Never move silly pawns anywhere in the beginning of the game, especially not on the outer files like Black has done below. You just lose time and run behind in piece development.
This means that your opponent can and will attack you with his pieces, once he has castled. Pieces are: knights, bishops, rooks and the queen, not pawns! He can attack you as he has more pieces developed than you have. He will simply overrun you in the center because he has more knights, bishops, rooks and the queen actively placed and you got no pieces placed actively to defend yourself. Why? Because you have wasted your time to push some silly pawns here and there and may have not even castled.

It is very important that you understand this principle!
Read this text above a hundred times to get this into your head or you will never ever become a good player. So don't touch useless pawns in the beginning of the game.
You should first move one or two center pawns, then develop your knights and bishops towards the center. Best is to get the kingside knight and bishop out, then castle quickly. See the white position. White is going to get out his kingside bishop next and castle afterwards.


And here is a fun website to play chess. You can even join tournaments!
click here for the link

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Play-doh fruits!

Hi guys! As a stocking stuffer for Christmas, I got Play-doh! The colors looked so cool, I decided to make fruits out of them. Here are some pics!
All the fruits in a bowl.


A different angle of the strawberries

This originally was supposed to be an apple (Color in the picture is much more orange that real color)
The color is more peach color, so it is a peach!

different angle of peach


Tangerine. Yummy! My favorite

All of the fruit

Angel, My American girl doll, wanted to pose with the fruit. She choose the banana first.
Bananas are her favorite!


Peaches! tangerines! Both!

Grapes. A nutritious and delicious, bite-size snack

How it looks, in angels hand

Angel and her dog honey, saying goodbye.

I hope you liked my fruit. My family sure did! But remember! "Fun to play with, not to eat!"