Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring LEGO Scene

I was very excited on the 20th, because it was the first day of Spring! I decided to make a little spring scene. Here are some pictures!

Here is the whole scene. Close-up pictures next :)

Snail's Corner

Robin's tree

Robin's nest, with two chicks!

Some flowers

Mr. Frog's pond

Close-up on Mr. Frog's pond

Another picture of the whole scene

My LEGO Friends people, plus their dog, Dot.

Photo Bomb!

Another Photo Bomb! But, where is it? Post in the comments where the photo bomber is!


Play-Doh Pizza

I know what you are thinking "Another Play-Doh food post?" Yep. Another. I was playing around with this pale colored dough my mom made with Tumerick (A spice) I thought the dough looked bread colored, so I made a pizza.Here, you can see how to make them too!

Comparision to Yellow colored play-doh (Left) To Tumerick,
 pale colored dough (Right

Take a Play-doh lid. This will be your pizza pan.

Take a small ball of playdoh.

Put it into the pizza pan, and make it even.

Next, get a smaller ball of red colored play-doh

Flatten it on top of the dough. Make it smaller than the last
 circle for the crust of the pizza.

Next get a tiny ball of yellow Play-doh

Flatten it very thin. It is ok if there are some holes.
This will make it more pizza like, showing the sauce.

Put it on the tomatoe sauce. Even smaller than the sauce circle.

Next add your toppings! I choose veggies, but you can put pepperoni, pineapple,
or anything else you want!

Hope you liked it! Happy Spring!