Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Grateful Blogger Tag!

This picture is just so beautiful!

I have been tagged for the Grateful Blogger Tag by the blog, All Things Doll! Thank, Hope for tagging me! Here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you, they will surely appreciate it! Also, leave a link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Write ten things you are thankful for. Here's the tricky part though, you can't just say you are thankful for gum or video games, or whatever "little" things you want to discuss. Think deeply about what is important to you. Explain why.

  • Tag ten other bloggers; our goal is to tag everyone. Comment on the blogs you nominated so they know you tagged them.

  • Add the pic above to your sidebar or award page and thank the person who nominated you. 

  • Ok. Here are the ten things I am most thankful for, and why.
    1. My Family-They take care of me, and I would be very sad if I didn't have my parents. Even my four little brothers!
    2. Books-I can't go a week without reading a good book (Which is usually any book I read. Lol)
    3. Friends-They make my life adventurous :)
    4. Non-GMO food-I need to be healthy :)
    5. Co-op-I love to learn, and Co-op teaches me ALOT!
    6. Flowers-They make life beautiful
    7. Board games-I love to play these with my brothers and friends
    8. Animals-There is so much to learn about the amazing world of animals (I want to be a zoologist when I grow up)
    9. Imagination-Life would be boring without it
    10. God- He made the wonderful world we live in
    Now here are the ten blogs I tag

    My American Girl


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