Friday, November 28, 2014

Stahp! Ur to Sweet for Your Own Good Award!

I was nominated for the Stahp! Ur to Sweet for Your Own Good award by Hope, at all things doll. Thanks, Hope!

Now the questions:

1. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
2. What is your favorite movie?
The LEGO Movie!
3. What is your favorite school subject?
4. Which doll of yours is your favorite?
Angel, my My American Girl doll
5. Do you prefer to wear a jacket or sweatshirt?
A jacket
6. Which Disney princess is your favorite?
7. Which doll would you like to add to your collection?
Hmm... I would like to add all of the American girl dolls :)

Here are the rules:
  • Nominate somebody who you you believe is  uber sweet, who is always leaving nice comments, or is just a great, kind Blogger friend of yours.
  • Answer the questions the Blogger who nominated you asked, and then come up with at least 5 new, original questions for your nominees to answer
  • Be sure to leave a comment on the nominees blog, letting them know that they've been nominated. Leave a link to the post so they can easily find it as well. 
  • You must nominate at least 10 people. Tag backs are allowed, as is nominating people more than once
  • Copy and paste the guidelines so that everybody knows what the heck is going on
  • And finally, have FUN!
(You obviously don't HAVE to do the tag if you're nominated, but you must answer the questions if you want the award on your blog.)

My questions are:

Who is your favorite LEGO movie character
What is your favorite book
What do you do the day before Christmas
What is your favorite song
What is your favorite movie
Would you prefer LEGOs or Art/craft supplies
What is your favorite thing to do at school

Now here are the ten blogs I nominate:

My American Girl


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