Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Monday, December 29, 2014

The new girl of the year! SPOILER ALERTS!!!

I said I wouldn't be posting for a while, but this is too big a secret to keep
! Look at the new American girl of the year's Website HERE!!!!!!!!!!! She is American, and is going to France to visit her cousin!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas breack for me

Hey guys! I won't post for a few days, because I am spending time with family. Have fun on your Christmas break!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

One day 'til Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it!!!! Can you. (SORRY! My question mark button is not working.)
I was busy today, doing last-minute Christmas shopping, so there will be no new chapter today.

Have a merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Two days 'til Christmas! Christmas fun on American girl!

Sorry! Short post today! Tomorrow will be the last chapter. Today, here is the American Girl Website. They have a lot of fun winter/Christmas things to do.

Stay Smart Girls!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Three days til christmas!!

Can't wait!!!!!!!

ok. Chapter 6.
Christmas eve Pt. 1

Beep beep beep! the oven timer went off. I grabbed the oven mitt and pulled out a dozen sugar cookies. "Gabe! Daniel!" I called. "Frosting time!" They came rushing in, with glitter all over their hands. They were making snowflakes, and wanted to put glitter on them. I cant wait until tomorrow. I thought to myself. I KNOW I am getting at least one LEGO set. Let's just say, I shook my presents. I was going to make a stop motion video before I go back to my Homeschool Co-op. We had three weeks off. I got down two different colored frostings. Red and green. Then some rainbow sprikles. "I am going to decorate the trees!" Daniel said. "I will do stars!" I said. "Snowmen!" Gabe said. and off we decorated.

This chapter will be short, because today we will have a Christmas partyin my house (It's an annual thing)

Oh! Have you found the Christmas trees yet? the contest is ending soon!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Four days 'til Christmas!

It's The first day of Winter! and also, the longest night of the year, Actually, according to this website, it will be the longest night EVER. Read the website to get the information. There will be no new chapter today, Because my dad is supposed to take me to the Nutcracker. (This will be my first time seeing it, and I am 11.)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Five days till christmas! chapter five

Chapter five:

I put my presents under the tree. Things that were small, I put them in the stockings. I felt proud. Then I remembered, today was the day of the nutcracker play. My friend was in it. I checked the clock. 10:30. Ok. The play started at 2:00. We had to leave at 1:30 because, there is a bus taking us. The bus is at my church. I made a waffle, with a halo on the side, and munched away.

4 hours later:
I put on my red dress. Wow. I haven't worn this since last year. I grabbed a black sweater/jacket on my door, and walked to the car where my dad was. He was going to take me to the church, so I could catch my bus.

"Hi Dalia! Hi Hannah!" I called to my friends, who were sitting in the bus. "Hi Allie!" They called back. They are sisters, but they look so alike, they look like twins. "I can't wait for the nutcracker. I have never seen it before." "I can't wait either!" Dalia said. I sat in the bus, while we started driving.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Review my blog W/ a poll

Title says it all. Please review my blog with the provided post. I want to see how well I am doing. Please vote :)  

Click here for the poll

Six days 'til christmas! Chapter four!

Chapter four:



December 21st. 8 am. Sunday.

I put my jewelry making kit back on my shelf. I just finished making a bracelet for my mom. I wrapped it up in some leftover wrapping paper, from last year, and put it under the tree. I made wooden cars for my brothers, with little people made out of clothes pins. They looked really neat. “Phew!” I said to myself. “Now I need my pot making kit.” I was going to make a mug for my dad, in Christmas green, and bright red. His favorite colors. Whizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The machine went, as it spinned the clay. I molded it in to a cup, and turned it off. I put it to dry, then I would paint it, then I would cook it.

In the mean time, Gabe was making presents too. He made a clay pot (from art class) for my mom. For my dad, he made I string to hold my dad’s glasses around his neck. For me, he sewed a bunch of different colored ribbons together, to make a bookmark. It was a rainbow one. For Daniel, well, he made a car like mine, but the person was a medicine dropper we don’t use, with a soda cap as a hat, and pieces of cardboard for arms, which he hot glued on. (Don’t worry. He knows how to safely hot glue, from art classes) He put each present into a gift bag, and named them


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

seven days 'til christmas! A hint of the hidden christmas trees

There will be no new chapter today. I am very busy, so I will do a short post.

Hints on the hidden Christmas trees!

Look in old posts

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

eight days til' christmas!

Chapter three

Christmas Village


Gabe and I picked up a little table from the attic. Daniel picked up a box filled with houses, buildings, people, and cars. We were preparing the Christmas village. After we got down from the attic, we heard a familiar sound of a car. “Dad’s home!” Gabe said. “Yippee!” I said. “He can help us with the Christmas village!” I slid across the floor, in my socks, to the door. “Hi, daddy!” Daniel Exclaimed. “Can you help us fix the Christmas village?” “Sure, Danny!” My dad replied. “Where’s the box?” Daniel pointed. “Hi!” My mom said, as she came out of the kitchen, with a plate of sugar cookies.  “Cookies for everyone!” “Yay!”

Monday, December 15, 2014

Nine days til' christmas! Chapter two

When we arrived, Daniel immediately found the tree he wanted. "I want that one!" He exclaimed. My mom walked over to I, to get a closer look. It was about six feet high, and full of leaves and branches. It was also very green. "Awesome tree, Daniel!" I rewarded. "This looks perfect. Right mom?" she had a big smile on her face. "Yes! Come on! Let's buy it!" After we hooked the tree on the roof of our van, we headed home.

"Here are the ornaments, mom!" I said as I brushed some dust off my clothes. These ornaments had been my Grandma's. We kept them in the attic. "Yay!" Daniel screamed. "Mom, when are we going to pick up John?" John is my younger brother, who is nine years old. He is in an after-school art class. Today, they are making ornaments. "We'll pick him up in ten minutes." My mom said, as she put a golden star ornament on the tree. "Actually" my mom said "Let's go now. They are finishing early today." "Let's go!" Daniel and I both said. "Jinx!"

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Find the christmas tree!

I have an idea. I will hide three Christmas trees. Anywhere on my blog. Then YOU have to find them. The contest ends on Christmas eve.

A drawing (Of anything Christmas or winter) made just for you!
  • To be able to win, you must have all three links of where you found the trees (Some Christmas trees might be links that saw SURPRIZE! If it is that, send me the link of the picture and the link of where you found it.). Send me your email as well, so I can contact you, if you win. email it to me at:
  • If more than one person got all three trees, and sent them to me, the winner will be choosen randomly
  • The winner will be announced on or around December 26th, 2014.
  • I will email the winner. You must respond (with the kind of drawing you want. It must be in the Christmas or winter theme) within one week, or another winner will be automatically choosen.

Please share this post with your friends, for an extra chance of winning. If you do share, it must be with Facebook, Google account, or make a post on your blog (If on your blog, send me the link) and include 'I Shared' In your email to me. The Christmas trees will be around the blog shortly.

Different types of trees you may find:
Trees made out of O's
Trees I drew on an online program
links to a tree picture named "surprize"

FFF and a story.

Sorry I was late for FFF. I need an alarm clock to help remind me! I am just very busy. I was busy with schoolwork. Soon it will be my Christmas break for two weeks! Ten days till' Christmas! I am going to do part of a story, everyday until Christmas. Here goes!
Chapter one:
To the Christmas tree farm we go.

"Allie!" My mother called, from the front door. I was in my room, hustling into my favorite jacket, while reading a book. "Coming!" I said back. finally I zipped up my jacket. A black one with hot pink, and sky blue scribbles (If you watched the LEGO movie, you know what I mean) I grabbed my hat and mittens. I couldn't wait to get in the car. We were going to the tree lot, to buy a Christmas tree. I ran out of my room, with my book in my secret inside pocket. I skidded to a stop, by the door. "Reading?" My mom asked, staring at a bulge under my pocket. The book. "Yes" I said. "It is my extra credit book for literature. My mom nodded. "Come on! Let's go get that tree!" Now it was my turn to nod. "Where's Daniel?" I asked. I looked around for my six  year old brother. "He is already in the car." My mom said, as we walked to the car. Daniel loves getting out of the house. I skipped to the car, and stopped at the door of the passenger seat. Daniel started singing jingle bells, as I buckled up. "Hi Allie!" he said. "Hey, little Dan." I replied. "I am not little!" He said back as He closed his eyes tight, turned his head to the side, stuck out his tongue, and crossed his arms. Mom and I stifled a laugh.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. I was busy with homework. yesterday was my brothers birthday and I had a guitar show. We did "Lean on me." Ok. fun Facts to deal with Stress.

  • Pet a dog
  • Listen or play music
  • Exercise
  • Read
  • Take LONG DEEP breaths
  • Do NOT hit!

Sorry this was so short, it is just I am CRAZY busy.

Stay Smart Girls!

Monday, December 1, 2014


It is December! My brother's birthday is in 3 days (He will turn nine) and it is also time to get out the advent calendars! I like them, because your always waiting till the next day to see the surprise. I helps me, because I always think Christmas is sooooo far away, but the calendar keeps my mind off of waiting for Christmas. I also like seeing the Christmas lights, inflatable and trees. I am going to put a few polls on the sidebar about Christmas and December.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fun I had yesterday!

Yesterday, me and my family (My parents, my four brothers and me) went to downtown! And we brought our scooters to ride around the lake there.  We went to the library real quick to drop off some books, then to the lake. We saw fish, Great blue Herons, egrets, swans (even black ones), and cute ducks! They looked like doves, but could swim. There were light posts with Christmas decorations on them all around the lake. When we were done, we went to the playground across the street and played there for about thirty minutes. There was a clear area, about two acres big, with a tall Christmas tree made out of lights, and a train made out of lights. Then we went to eat pizza. When we were done, we walked a block away to a park. (It was about five acres, no playground. Just plants and benches and sidewalk.) It was decorated with a bunch of Christmas lights. All the sidewalks had arcs on top with big nutcrackers made out of lights. A jack-in-the-box made of lights. A Christmas tree, train, and stars, all made with lights. It was beautiful!

Have fun exploring where you live!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Stahp! Ur to Sweet for Your Own Good Award!

I was nominated for the Stahp! Ur to Sweet for Your Own Good award by Hope, at all things doll. Thanks, Hope!

Now the questions:

1. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
2. What is your favorite movie?
The LEGO Movie!
3. What is your favorite school subject?
4. Which doll of yours is your favorite?
Angel, my My American Girl doll
5. Do you prefer to wear a jacket or sweatshirt?
A jacket
6. Which Disney princess is your favorite?
7. Which doll would you like to add to your collection?
Hmm... I would like to add all of the American girl dolls :)

Here are the rules:
  • Nominate somebody who you you believe is  uber sweet, who is always leaving nice comments, or is just a great, kind Blogger friend of yours.
  • Answer the questions the Blogger who nominated you asked, and then come up with at least 5 new, original questions for your nominees to answer
  • Be sure to leave a comment on the nominees blog, letting them know that they've been nominated. Leave a link to the post so they can easily find it as well. 
  • You must nominate at least 10 people. Tag backs are allowed, as is nominating people more than once
  • Copy and paste the guidelines so that everybody knows what the heck is going on
  • And finally, have FUN!
(You obviously don't HAVE to do the tag if you're nominated, but you must answer the questions if you want the award on your blog.)

My questions are:

Who is your favorite LEGO movie character
What is your favorite book
What do you do the day before Christmas
What is your favorite song
What is your favorite movie
Would you prefer LEGOs or Art/craft supplies
What is your favorite thing to do at school

Now here are the ten blogs I nominate:

My American Girl


Fun Fact Friday!

I said I would make this FFF from the polls I put on my blog. I choose one poll (The pet one) and the winner was Dog! Here are 25 fun facts about "Man's best friend"

  1. A dog’s heart beats between 70 and 120 times a minute, compared with a human heart which beats 70 to 80 times a minute.
  2. A dog’s normal body temperature is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. A female carries her young about 60 days before the puppies are born.
  4. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the smallest dog on record was a Yorkshire Terrier in Great Britain who, at the age of 2, weighed just 4 ounces.
  5. The longest lived dog, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, was an Australian Cattle Dog, named Bluey, who lived to be 29.
  6. An adult dog has 42 teeth.
  7. It is a myth that dogs are color blind. They can actually see in color, just not as vividly as humans. It is akin to our vision at dusk.
  8. If never spayed or neutered, a female dog, her mate, and their puppies could produce over 66,000 dogs in 6 years!
  9. The only sweat glands a dog has are between the paw pads.
  10. In 1957, Laika became the first living being in space via an earth satellite
  11. The world’s smartest dogs are thought to be (1) the border collie, (2) the poodle, and (3) the golden retriever.
  12. Chocolate contains a substance known as theobromine (similar to caffeine) which can kill dogs or at the very least make them violently ill.
  13. Dogs’ sense of hearing is more than ten times more acute than a human’s
  14. More than 1 in 3 American families own a dog.
  15. Dogs don’t like rain because the sound is amplified and hurts their very sensitive ears.
  16. The ten most popular dogs (AKC, 2007) are in order:
    Labrador Retriever, Yorkshire Terrier, German Shepherd,
    Golden Retriever, Beagle, Boxer, Dachshund, Poodle,
    Shih Tzu, and Bulldog.
  17. Dogs were the first animals domesticated by people.
  18. A greyhound can run as fast as 45 miles an hour.
  19. Spaying/neutering your dog before the age of 6 months can help prevent cancer in your dog.
  20. Puppies acquire a full mouth of permanent teeth between four and seven months old.
  21. Small dogs live the longest. Toy breeds live up to 16 years or more. Larger dogs average is 7 – 12 years. Veterinary medicine have extended this estimate by about three years. However, some breeds, such as Tibetan terrier live as long as twenty years.
  22. Eighty percent of dog owners buy their dog a present for holidays and birthdays. More than half of them sign letters and cards from themselves and their pets.
  23. The dog name “Fido” is from Latin and means “fidelity.”
  24. The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world.
  25. Most pet owners (94 percent) say their pet makes them smile more than once a day.

Sources: (Funny Fidos)

Stay Smart Girls!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for:

  1. God. He made the wonderful earth and ME!
  2. My family. I couldn't live without them
  3. Friends. They put adventure and fun into my life
  4. LEGOs. They are just so cool!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

New polls on my blog!

Hi guys! I am going to put a few polls on my blog today! They will be ending in a week! I will put three. Fun Fact Friday next week will be based on the three winning answers, so please vote! It takes a few minutes for them to show up on my blog, so they might not be on right away.

:) Angie :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

My birthday!!!

My birthday was today! I got a guitar (perfect for guitar class on Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Happy birthday to me!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My Earth Poem

This is a poem I made for my science class project. I hope you like it!!!

The Earth is spinning at 1038 miles per hour

We don’t feel like we are going that fast

Because we are taken by its power


The Earth isn’t round!

It is flattened at the poles

It is also filled

With penguin and polar bear holes


Earth is the only planet in the solar system,

Not to be named by a mythical god

Many people think that is very odd


Although earthquakes can be deadly,

Most are very small

That means they are not felt by humans or animals at all


The Earth's temperature, weather, atmosphere and many other factors,

Are just right to keep us alive.

And everyone on earth is happily able to strive


God made the earth perfect for us

We don’t need any special features

To be able to adjust


Friday, November 14, 2014

MY Birthday is coming up!

YAY!!!!! My  birthday is on the 17th! I can't wait! Right now I am learning the guitar notes to "Happy Birthday" :) :) :)

This could be FFF so yeah.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Grateful Blogger Tag!

This picture is just so beautiful!

I have been tagged for the Grateful Blogger Tag by the blog, All Things Doll! Thank, Hope for tagging me! Here are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you, they will surely appreciate it! Also, leave a link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Write ten things you are thankful for. Here's the tricky part though, you can't just say you are thankful for gum or video games, or whatever "little" things you want to discuss. Think deeply about what is important to you. Explain why.

  • Tag ten other bloggers; our goal is to tag everyone. Comment on the blogs you nominated so they know you tagged them.

  • Add the pic above to your sidebar or award page and thank the person who nominated you. 

  • Ok. Here are the ten things I am most thankful for, and why.
    1. My Family-They take care of me, and I would be very sad if I didn't have my parents. Even my four little brothers!
    2. Books-I can't go a week without reading a good book (Which is usually any book I read. Lol)
    3. Friends-They make my life adventurous :)
    4. Non-GMO food-I need to be healthy :)
    5. Co-op-I love to learn, and Co-op teaches me ALOT!
    6. Flowers-They make life beautiful
    7. Board games-I love to play these with my brothers and friends
    8. Animals-There is so much to learn about the amazing world of animals (I want to be a zoologist when I grow up)
    9. Imagination-Life would be boring without it
    10. God- He made the wonderful world we live in
    Now here are the ten blogs I tag

    My American Girl


    Friday, November 7, 2014


    Music Fun Fact!

    Music (And art) helps you learn better ;)

    Stay smart girls!

    Saturday, November 1, 2014

    Fun fact Saturday!

    (Delay due to holiday yesterday ;) )

    Today I am sharing a studying website: Quizlet

    It is a great place to study for a test! you can make online flashcards, and play games, according to them!
    Try it!

    Thursday, October 23, 2014

    Solar eclipse today!

    Hello everyone! Today something amazing is going to happen! A solar eclipse! This is when the earth sun and moon line up and the moon blocks part of the sun. The eclipse will be visible in most parts of Canada and the U.S.A. Click here to see if it is visible in your area. I made a pinhole camera to watch the eclipse. It is NOT safe to look directly at the sun, but you can make this with household items and watch the eclipse with no problem. Click on this link to found out how to make on. The date on this link is not right. Just pay attention on how to make the pinhole camera and you should be fine.

    Have fun!

    Sunday, October 19, 2014

    Astronomy Fun Fact Friday

    Sorry FFF is late. I was very busy on Friday

    This FFF is dedicated to Astronomy (Knowledge or study of the stars)

    Mercury(The closest planet to the sun) fun facts!
    • A day on Mercury is 53 Earth Days.
    • A Year on mercury is 88 Earth Days, so a mercury year has less than two mercury days!
    • During the day on mercury, It is 750 degrees Fahrenheit. Science it is the closest planet to the sun, you may think it is very hot all the time, but during the night on mercury, it is -300 degrees Fahrenheit!

    Wednesday, October 15, 2014

    Book in progress!

    I am writing a book! It is a fictional book about a girl who lives in Dominican republic. I did that because it is where my mom grew up and it is my favorite place to travel to. I can't wait till it is published! I am publishing it through Amazon kindle. It will be a kindle e-book, and soon, I am going to try to make it a real book. Wish me luck!

    Saturday, October 11, 2014

    Poll Mania!

    I starting something once a month called "Poll Mania." I will post 3-5 polls on the second Saturday of the month. The polls will end on the third Saturday of the month. You can find the polls on the right hand side of the blog. They should be posted in a few minutes.

    Friday, October 10, 2014

    Fun fact friday! Make a field journal.

    Sorry guys! I missed Fun fact Friday last week! I was sick and now is when I am feeling better. So, today's FFF will not be about the past, it will be about now, and what I am doing today!

    I started a Bird watching project. I got a bird field guide, I made a bird field journal, and I started a bird life list. It is a very fascinating hobby for young and old. I will give you a craft today:

    Make a field journal:

    Lined paper
    Plain paper
    Something to color with (optional)

    First fold the three pages of lined paper in half, long ways, up and down, then cut it right in the middle after you folded it. Put them inside each other like a book. Now get ONE piece of plain paper (printing paper) And do the same thing you did with the lined paper. Use it as the cover for your book. When you are done, you can take crayons, markers, or coloring pencil if you want, and make a little picture on the front cover. Or you could just write (Your name here)'s Field journal. Now when you go on a hike, write down everything you saw. and draw pictures. Don't forget the date!

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014

    Fun fact friday and polls

    Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you that FFF will be in the morning on Friday because my older brother is coming to visit. He lives 5 hours away and he visits like 2 - 3 times a year because he is SUPER busy! I am so excited for his visit! Oh! and the poll on my blog is ending very soon!
    Vote NOW!

    Stay Smart Girls!

    Sunday, September 21, 2014

    No posts on.......

    No posts on Monday! Sorry. My family and I go to a homeschool co-op on Monday, so if you ask me a question, I won't answer until Tuesday or later. Sorry! I am gone all day on Monday. I leave at 7:30 and come back at 6:30.

    Frog Eggs!

    Hey guys! I found frog eggs in a wagon my dad doesn't use anymore! It rained last night and there was grass growing in it. Today I went outside and found them! I am researching on how to raise them. Do you have any tadpoles/frogs or frog eggs? I would LOVE to hear them. I am thinking of some names if some of them look different (or else they would all look the same)

    Any tadpole/frog names?

    Saturday, September 20, 2014

    Boxcar Children Movie!

    Hey guys! My brother is reading the boxcar children as homework in our homeschool co-op. I found the movie! It came out last month. It is so cool! You can rent it on amazon for seven days.  Just thought I should share it with you :)

    Friday, September 19, 2014

    Facebook page needs likes!

    Hey guys! You might know I created a Facebook page for this blog. It really needs some likes. Girl Smarts would really appreciate it! The page is called Girl smarts ,for this blog,

    Here is the link
    If               ^^^     link doesn't work, try this website:

    Banana Muffins!

    Hi guys! I am posting a lot today because I have some free time. So, today, me and my little brother made banana muffins! Yummy! They were soo good!

    Here is the recipe:


    • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 3 bananas, mashed
    • 1 cup white sugar
    • 1 egg, lightly beaten
    • 1/2 cup butter, melted
    • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    ½ cup chocolate chips
    It doesn't say what to do, so I will tell you what I did. 
     I put the bananas, butter, eggs, and sugar in one bowl. I put the rest in another bowl. While I was doing that, I preheated the oven to 350 degrees F.   when everything is mixed, Put both mixtures into the biggest bowl. (In my case it was the one with bananas in) Then add the chocolate chips and cook until they are golden, or stick a toothpick in and it comes out clean (If the toothpick only has chocolate chip on it, that is fine.)
    I also added a secret ingredient: Vanilla Extract.
    Can you read it? I made it like that so you could only read it if you really wanted to:)
    Girls have the Smarts!!

    Fall background and Blog changes

    Hey guys! Have you noticed the new background I put on the blog? I put it in honor of the first the day of fall. I also have a new poll on the blog. I have not checked the website, so I need to make sure it is working. In Winter the background will be different. I will change it for every holiday and season except Easter and Halloween (Don't ask)

    Girls have the Smarts! (Our new motto)

    Fun fact friday

    Georgia O' Keeffe

    Georgia O’Keeffe was born in 1887 in Wisconsin. She grew up on a farm where she helped her family by cooking, sewing, and growing vegetables.

    When she was five, O’Keeffe went to school at a one-room schoolhouse. She didn’t like school but she did enjoy the private art lessons she took after school. She knew she wanted to be an artist.

    O’Keeffe’s family moved to Virginia where O’Keeffe started high school. Everyone at her school loved her drawings.

    After high school, O’Keeffe went to study at the Art Institute of Chicago. She enjoyed it there but she got very sick after only one year and had to stop going. When she finally felt better, over a year later, O’Keeffe decided to study in New York instead. In 1912, she began taking drawing classes at the University of Virginia. She learned to paint in many different styles before she developed her own way of painting.

    Friday, September 12, 2014

    Fun fact friday!

    Rosa parks!

    Rosa Parks was born February 4, 1913, died October 24, 2005. Her full name is Rosa Louise McCauley Parks. She is famous today for her civil rights activism, but mostly for being the black woman who refused to give up her seat on a city bus.
    1. The famous bus ride
    In Montgomery, Alabama, on December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks made history by being the black woman who refused to obey the driver of the bus when he gave her the order to give up her seat on the city bus to make room for a white passenger. Her actions sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and made history. Her refusal became a key part of the modern movement for civil rights, and her actions sparked further action and set an example for many.
    2. Work with Martin Luther King Jr.
    Rosa Parks’ actions on that Montgomery bus gave her a legitimacy and made her an internationally recognized symbol of civil rights. Because of her prominent stance as a protestor of segregation based on race, she started interacting with and became a help to some of the other most famous civil rights activists, including Martin Luther King, Jr. Many of her actions helped him to gain a strong presence in the nation, and help keep the civil rights movement going forward.
    3. Honors and awards
    One of the reasons we still speak of Rosa Parks besides her role in the civil rights movement is because of the amount of recognitions and awards she received for the role that she played in the civil rights movement. She was highly honored for her part, in 1979 she won the Spingarn Medal; she won the Congressional Gold Medal; she is honored in a posthumous statue in the United States Capitol’s National Statuary Hall; and was given the posthumous honor of lying at the Capitol Rotunda.
    4. Her stance
    The reason Rosa Parks stance was so huge in the civil rights movement is because it challenged something many just took as a fundamental rule of society. During her time, there were rules that governed bus usage, some of which included that Blacks were to pay at the front of the bus, but must then get off the bus and walk to the back entrance to be seated. Blacks could not sit in the front of the bus, as the first four rows were reserved for white people. Blacks who sat in middle rows were required to give up their seat if a white person needed one. Rosa bucked the rules and did so on her own, changing the face of history.
    5. Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Parks sparked a revolution. Her refusal to give up her seat, and subsequent arrest for something so trivial, led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. It was organized on her behalf, and announced at church and in the paper. The boycott was well organized, rallies formed, and many kept the boycott up until they got some of their demands.
    The demands included: black drivers would be hired, seating in the middle of the bus would be handled on a first-come-first-serve basis, and the rules or laws governing bus riding be changed. The boycott went on for 381 days, and ended when the laws requiring segregation on public buses were lifted.
    6. The MIA
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott led to the formation of a new organization, the Montgomery Improvement Association. This formation was created to lead the boycott, and once of the first leaders was the to-date relatively unknown, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. So, Rosa Parks was the reason for the boycott, thus the formation of the MIA, and part of Martin Luther King, Jr. rise to fame.
    7. International news
    Parks’ actions were not something normal, and thus the whole situation was publicized, and brought international attention to the issue of racial discrimination. The US was not the only place where people were discriminated against because of color, and Rosa’s stand inspired boycotts in other parts of the world as well, including a bus boycott in the township of Alexandria, Eastern Cape of South Africa.
    8. Browder versus Gayle
    Rosa Parks was directly connected to this federal lawsuit that was used to change the state bus segregation laws. This is the suit that led to the laws being challenged, and eventually to segregation laws changing and being lifted.
    9. Her sacrifice
    Rosa Parks would not be well known today if her stand on the bus, and refusal to give up her seat had not lead to serious consequences and sacrifices for her and her family. As a result of her stand, Rosa was arrested, mistreated, lost her job, and became a public figure, constantly a person being either looked to for inspiration, or spat on to make an example of. Her husband also lost his job, and her family lost much of their privacy.
    10. Her autobiography
    Rosa Parks did not just inspire change during the civil rights movement, but through an autobiography she wrote in 1992, aimed at the youth today, she inspired many to stand up for their beliefs, and understand the difference one person can make.

    Saturday, September 6, 2014

    Fun Fact Saturday?

    Sorry I posted FFF (Fun fact Friday)  so late. I was busy homeschool shopping. But at least I remembered. Yay!

    FFF: Helen Keller!

    Interesting Facts about Helen Keller
    • Annie Sullivan was often called the "Miracle Worker" for the way she was able to help Helen.
    • Helen became very famous. She met with every President of the United States from Grover Cleveland to Lyndon Johnson. That's a lot of presidents!
    • Helen starred in a movie about herself called Deliverance. Critics liked the movie, but not a lot of people went to see it.
    • She loved dogs. They were a great source of joy to her.
    • Helen became friends with famous people such as the inventor of the telephone Alexander Graham Bell and the author Mark Twain.
    • She wrote a book titled Teacher about Annie Sullivan's life.
    • Two films about Helen Keller won Academy Awards. One was a documentary called The Unconquered (1954) and the other was a drama called The Miracle Worker (1962) starring Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke.

    Thursday, September 4, 2014

    I just found this cool website! It is called KhanAcademy. I went there to practice my math facts and found this cool programming class. You can sign up for it free. It is really cool.

    See you tomorrow for Fun Fact Friday!

    Saturday, August 30, 2014

    Vote for a motto!

    I thought it was about time we had a motto. I was thinking of these. (If you have more suggestions, post them here.)

    • Stay Smart Girls!
    • Girls have the smarts!
    • Let's get smart.
    • Learn and play!

    Vote for the motto in the comments.

    Friday, August 29, 2014

    Fun Fact Friday!

    Hey guys! I just started this new tradition of Fun Fact Friday! I hope you like it!

    Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Tubman was born a slave on a plantation in Maryland. Historians think she was born in 1820, or possibly 1821, but birth records weren't kept by most slave owners. Her birth name was Araminta Ross, but she took the name of her mother, Harriet, when she was thirteen.

    Life as a Slave

    Life as a slave was difficult. Harriet first lived in a one-room cabin with her family that included eleven children. When she was only six years old, she was loaned out to another family where she helped take care of a baby. She was sometimes beaten and all she got to eat was table scraps.

    Later Harriet worked a number of jobs on the plantation such as plowing fields and loading produce into wagons. She became strong doing manual labor that included hauling logs and driving oxen.

    At the age of thirteen Harriet received a horrible head injury. It happened when she was visiting the town. A slave owner tried to throw an iron weight at one of his slaves, but hit Harriet instead. The injury nearly killed her and caused her to have dizzy spells and blackouts for the rest of her life.

     Harriet Escapes

    In 1849 Harriet decided to escape. She would use the Underground Railroad. After a long and scary trip she made it to Pennsylvania and was finally free.

    Fun Facts:
    • Her nickname as a child was "Minty".
    • She was a very religious woman having learned about the Bible from her mother.
    • Harriet bought a house in Auburn, New York for her parents after helping them to escape from the south.
    • Harriet married John Tubman in 1844. He was a free black man. She married again in 1869 to Nelson Davis.
    • She was so successful in helping slaves to escape that, at one point, slave owners offered a reward of $40,000 for her capture.

    Thursday, August 14, 2014

    Lego Birthday party!

    Hey guys! I am back! Today's post is how to make an AWESOME birthday party! My brother gave me inspiration:
    My brother is turning five in two days! He wants a LEGO party. (He is obsessed with Legos, and so am I.) Since I am the type of girl who loves to plan ahead of time, I immediately went to the computer for ideas. First, I looked for games. Here are some ideas. We are going to do number 7,10, 15, and maybe 21. I bought a Lego creator toy as the prize for #7. Then I went to look for decorations. I went to the Party City website. Unfortunately, they only had Lego star wars. I later found a website that said all you need for decorations, is yellow cups and a sharpie. you can draw a smiley face on the cups and they will be Lego minifigures. Then I wanted some sitting down activities. I could find anything. I went to The Lego chima website to play a game and found a Chima Party Kit. I printed the color pages, (WARNING! They use LOTS of ink.) and asked my mom about the garland. I didn't print the invitations because when we have a birthday, it is usually just family. Maybe friends if we play outside. I found these masks too.

    That is how we are going to have a great birthday. I can't wait to set it up. I also got This for my brother. I can't wait to see the look on his face.

    Bye! (You can wish happy birthday in the comments. I will give you a shout-out in my next post!)

    Friday, July 25, 2014

    Beach For Dolls

    I made this post to make a mini beach for your dolls.
    What you need: A kiddy pool
      Some rice or grains
    *A doll sized towel
    *Doll swimsuit
    Shredded paper
    * Optional

    First. fill half of the kiddy pool with rice and rocks. This will be your sand. Then on the other half, put the shredded paper. This will be your water. Then get your doll ready for some swimming! American Girl has a cute swimsuit set with goggles Here 

    See you next time!

    Wednesday, April 16, 2014

    Facebook page is here!

    Girl Smarts now has a Facebook page! Please like it and check it out!

    Wednesday, February 12, 2014

    Valentine's day crafts

    Her is a website for some Valentine's day crafts for your dolls! Hope you have fun making them! Crafts for Valentines Day

    Happy Valentine's day!

    Thursday, January 23, 2014

    Valentines Day dress giveaway for dolls

    Doll Diaries Giveaway!

    Doll Diaries is having a giveaway for a valentines day dress for 18 inch dolls!
    Here is the website to enter:
    Doll diaries givaway!

    Doll diares always has other giveaways going on so check in frequently to my blog.

    Wednesday, January 8, 2014

    Extreme weather report

    Welcome to Angie's accurate weather report:
    I thought the weather around the country was so extreme, that I made this special weather report so you could understand what is causing this extreme weather.

    US frigid, Polar-vortex


    Here is my video of the polar vortex weather report:

    stay tuned for more weather reports!



    My name is Angie.
    I love to do lots of things, and I thought I might start this blog. I like a lot of things, so any girl would find at least one thing they would like.
     Here are some of the things I might be posting in the future:
    • American girl stuff
    • Weather reports
    • School projects
    • Fun ideas
    • Crafts
    • Book reports (since I looove books!)
    • Delicious recipes
    • Gaming (such as Minecraft, Angry Birds, Cut the rope)
    • ... And more!

    So check in frequently for new posts!
    If you would like me to post anything from this list, comment below and I will try to publish it if I can.